Thursday 21 October 2010

What makes a good language learner?

Steve Kaufmann on what makes a good language learner.


  1. Don't you think there's a genetic explanation? I'm not really sure but while I was watching the news some days ago I found out that some skills as being good at maths or being a good painter are printed in our genetic code so I consider that learning languages is a skill which can be also printed.

    Anyway, maybe Mr. Kaufmann's opinion to be a good language learner works in some cases but I think some people need large explanations while learning a language just to feel confident.

  2. I agree with what Nuria has written about the genetic in order to be better in learning languages. I know people who are completely incapable in even saying a single word in other tongues, whereas another people could learn several languages at a time whitout any difficulty and, in this group, we could find out that they have a father, mother or any other relationship whith such a facillity.

    However, what I find the most important in learning a language is the total immersion in that language, for instance, children whose parents are from different countries could speak three languages at a time, their father's language, their mather's language and the one of the country they are living in.

    But, if you can't go abroad, make yr best in reading, listening and watching everything you can find in the language you're intending to learn.

