Saturday 30 October 2010

At the movies: Certified Copy

Jonathan Romney writes about Abbas Kiarostami's Certified Copy

1 comment:

  1. Well… I watched the film last Sunday and I can’t find the words to explain what I feel about it… but I’ll try!
    I love French cinema and I love Juliette Binoche, so despite her last film I suffered, I decided to watch it (The last one I saw was about a red balloon flying through the sky in Paris… and nothing else happend in the whole film!).

    It’s a coincidence that yesterday in El Periódico de Aragón there was an interview to Abbas Kiarostami and he says that the film is based on something that happened to him some years ago… And I wonder… Is it so interesting that you met a woman, you spent some hours talking to her, you realized that she was the woman that you were watching at from a window some years ago... Is it so interesting that you decided to make a film about that?????
    I founded the film really boring, not so boring as that film about the red balloon (by the way, another French film made by a non French director), but not far… Perhaps I didn’t get the real sense of the film while I was fighting to myself not to get asleep, but I still wonder what’s the point of making a film about that.
    There are some scenes that I prayed for them to pass, like that journey on the car which seemed to be eternal or when he was climbing the stairs in the hotel… I would swear that it took him al least ten eternal minutes to climb them… Perhaps I am very insensible and I can’t see the beautiful game with the cameras, focused on him on every angle while climbing…
    In the end, nothing happens. Absolutely nothing. A crazy woman talking to an arrogant man and playing a game as they were married. That’s all.
    Well... I love Binoche...but next time I would appreciate a film where something happens...(Just as well she was in the film, if not I would have gone away before ending...)
    Miguel Pueyo (C1-16h)
