Saturday 1 October 2011

Learning languages improves people's brain power

So says British Education Secretary


  1. Centuries of isolation due to the mist in the canal joined to Britons’ “perverse pride”, as they say, have led them to think they represent the world’s navel.
    Changes had been scarce so far, but something is moving on UK lately. I have just watched a parliamentary debate where PM discussed vehemently about the Britain’s role in EU.
    Charles Darwin could have written the greatest book ever about evolution of British citizens’ brains when they discover that learning a foreign language has the power of rearranging neuronal connections. So the grey matter keeps fit.
    As a matter of fact globalization has turned old-fashioned ideas into the necessity of communicating properly with other human beings. As a result people broaden the empathy and imaginative sympathy and cultural outlook, which is totally fulfilling.
    Obviously the best way of improving other languages skills is at school. And it would be much better if primary curriculum took advantage of capabilities of children’s brains to suck different codes for communication.
    Oddly enough, it is likely in a few years to see young British students getting around Europe making themselves understand in local’s mother tongue.
    The issue of French people and foreign languages deserves a wider study.

  2. Finally do they have admitted it!!! It was the best kept secret, more a kind of a feeling that a certain knowledge, but now, it is an established true. What we have all suspected for years, now is confirmed: British have a perverse pride in not knowing a foreign language. So says British Education Secretary…

    Now the question is: are they especially proud of no speaking Spanish the most???
